Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski

Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski
Dentists Brampton



Melissa SAYS!

Dentist Brampton, Brampton Dental Office, Family Dentist Brampton, Brampton Dentist,
Your child's first appointment should be after their first tooth erupts or before their first birthday. It would be a good idea to bring children to your own dental appointments to get them used to the dental office. Our office has a movie and play area to entertain them while they wait.

Some things to remember:

*Be sure to not put negative thoughts in your child's head with respect to their dental appointments. 
*Explain what happens so they know what to expect.
*Use a bright light to see into the mouth.
*Use a tooth counter to count their teeth.
*Have a special toothbrush that cleans and makes their teeth shiny.
*The more positive you talk about the dental office to your child the better experience they will have. 
*It is very important to us that your child has a happy and relaxing experience.
*Remind your child that teeth need to be cleaned to stay happy and healthy :)


Best Dentist in Brampton, Brampton Family Dentist, Dental Facts, Dental Offices in Brampton, Dentist Brampton, Dentist in Brampton, Children smile 300 to 400 times a day, women smile over 60 times per day and men under 10.

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.

Plaque has more than 300 different species of bacteria.

The average person spends less then a minute brushing their teeth, but dentists recommend at least 2 or 3 minutes.

A snail’s mouth can contain over 25,000 teeth!

Children smile 300 to 400 times a day, women smile over 60 times per day and men under 10.

Everyone's teeth are unique and different just like finger prints, including twins.

The reasons mice seem to chew on everything is because their teeth never stop growing. If they didn’t their teeth could end up being longer than the rest of their body.

The Blue Whale has no teeth.

In a lifetime, your mouth produces enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.

Poor oral hygiene is linked to heart disease.

Foods like apples, carrots, celery and strawberries help clean your teeth.


Dr. Dimovski SAYS!

Dentist in Brampton, Diastema Closures, Dentist in Brampton, Brampton Dental Office
Closing spaces between teeth or diastema closure is one of the most rewarding procedures I perform as a dentist. The case shown here is of a beautiful sixteen year old patient with fairly straight teeth with spaces due to tooth-jaw size discrepancy. The patient did not like the spaces and asked for options. We discussed orthodontics (braces) and resin build up. We choose to close the spaces with composite resins (tooth coloured filling material). The procedures was completed in one appointment and the patient was very pleased with the outcome. For more information on how we can improve your smile be sure to contact us at 905-458-6620.

Brampton Family Dentist



Dentist in Brampton, Best dentist in Brampton, Brampton Dentist,We hope everyone is having an awesome summer! As back to school is fast approaching, be sure to book your check up and cleaning and get your pearly whites whiter and brighter. For August specials on half price teeth whitening, giveaways and contests, be sure to check out our specials page.

Brampton Dentist


Mira SAYS!
Dentist in Brampton, Health Teeth, Teeth Home remedies, Dentist Brampton,
Sesame seeds are loaded with essential minerals such as manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus and calcium. These tiny seeds increase your levels of Vitamin E which plays an important role in fighting disease. As sesame seeds are rich in calcium, which helps in keeping your teeth healthy and strong they also dissolve the plaque that builds on your teeth. So next time you are choosing a bun or a bagel be sure it's one loaded with sesame seeds :)

Dentist in Brampton

Can a tooth that has been filled or crowned get a cavity?

Melissa SAYS!

Brampton Dentist, Dentist in Brampton, Cavities, Crowns, Brampton Family Dentist,
Cavities form only on natural tooth surface. Teeth that have fillings or crowns can still get cavitiesThe actual filling material, porcelain, silver or gold crown will not decay, but the tooth surrounding the filling and the tooth that has been covered by a crown can get a cavity. It is very important to keep our teeth clean because we can get cavities at any age.

Dentist in Brampton

Blog by Melissa O. RDH

DID YOU KNOW THAT? Dental Facts - Brampton Dentist

Dentist in Brampton, Brampton Family Dentist- Teeth are the hardest substance in the body.
- Most tooth loss in people over age 35 is from Periodontal Disease.
- The electric toothbrush first appeared in 1939.
- The first braces were constructed in 1728 in France.
- Teeth in a growing fetus begin to develop six weeks after conception.
- James Dean had no front teeth. He wore a bridge.

Brampton Dentist


Joanna SAYS! 

Dentist Brampton, Brampton Dental Office,
Periodontal Measurement is an evaluation performed by a dental professional, which involves measuring the health of your gums and supporting bone structure for your teeth. Bone loss is first caused by an accumulation of plaque and bacteria around a tooth and if the bacterium isn't removed properly it causes gum inflammation and in later stages, if left untreated, will eventually lead to bone loss.

A way of detecting periodontal disease is through taking periodontal measurements of each tooth at a dental visit. These measurements help us determine the overall health of the supporting structure of the teeth. A normal, healthy measurement will read from 1-3 mm and the deeper the reading the more severe the problem. To help treat moderate stages (4-6 mm) your hygienist may recommend a deeper cleaning with more frequent visits to help stop the effects of periodontitis. However, if more advanced stages are noted surgery may be needed with a referral to a periodontist (gum specialist).

Ways to help reduce periodontal measurements and maintain healthy gums:
Brushing: Practicing proper oral hygiene daily, through brushing  at least 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes.
Flossing: Daily flossing is very important when it comes to gum health, because it goes between your teeth and under your gums to help reduce bacterial build-up where a toothbrush can’t reach.
- Eating a well-balanced diet.
- Maintaining regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning.
- Don’t smoke: Smoking increases your risk of periodontal disease.

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions about Periodontal Measurements be sure to ask your fellow dental professionals! Keep smiling :)

Dentist in Brampton

A Health Mouth Means a Healthy Body

Mira SAYS!

We have all read articles, books, talked to friends and professionals about food and fitness and how they keep us healthy and strong! With all the health awareness in the world it really is hard to miss, yet we still make bad choices when it comes to our overall health and even those making good choices, seem to miss the effects certain foods and drinks have on their oral health.

The nutrients in healthy foods and drinks not only help with our overall health, but also help keep our teeth strong and aid in preventing cavities and gum disease. As sugar is one of the main causes of dental problems it would be best to limit consumption of it, although, for those with a sweet tooth, this is hard to do. Same goes with acidic foods and drinks. As some foods containing acid, such as citric fruits are good for our health, the acid in them damages the enamel of the tooth which is irreversible.

Aside from visiting your dentist regularly for dental cleanings and check ups, if you really want a healthy body and at the same time have a healthy mouth, aside from brushing and flossing twice a day and drinking lots of water, you should be rinsing your mouth out with water after every time you put something in your mouth. Not only will this prevent cavities and gum disease, it will also prevent staining of the teeth from drinks such as red wines, coffee and tea.

For more oral health tips for a whiter, brighter and healthier smile be sure to visit your dentist!


Mira SAYS!

Dentist Brampton, Brampton Dental Office, Brampton Dentist, Great Smile,
During sleep our body is busy cleaning toxins out of our body. Some of these toxins are deposited as a coating on our tongue. For people with a poor digestive system, during sleep, the tongue develops an even thicker coating causing bad breath. Although to fully reverse this problem one must look at their diet and digestive system, a great start is one that goes beyond just brushing alone. Investing in a good tongue scraper helps rid the coating and keep our breath fresh. Make tongue scraping part of your daily oral health routine for a cleaner fresher mouth. For more information be sure to visit your dentist!

Brampton Family Dentist


Parm SAYS!

Dentist Brampton, Brampton Family Dentist, Dental office in Brampton,Does thumb sucking cause problems with the teeth?

New parents are usually delighted to see that their child has managed to soothe himself/herself through the habit of thumb sucking, as it stops the baby from crying. To temporary distract the young one from hunger or other stress, some parents may actually encourage thumb sucking. Babies usually discover their thumbs as early as in the womb. At first it may be cute and quite helpful, but there comes a time when parents may need to reconsider the start of this habit. 

Will it help my child or will it cause more problems in the long run?

The thumb sucking habit was more common and accepted in the past, but more and more people are finding out the disadvantages to prolonged thumb sucking. When it becomes a habit, it is often difficult to change this habit in children. The alleged dangers of sucking on a thumb are becoming evident. It is extremely common for most babies and children to suck their thumbs at some point or another. Sucking on a thumb or any finger is a normal reflex in children that soothes them in times of stress. Many children outgrow the habit on their own, but for some it turns into an attachment tough to lose. 

So does thumb sucking affect the teeth? 

Well, it depends on the age and intensity of the situation. This habit most often doesn't harm the baby teeth. If this habit persists at the age of 6 when permanent teeth start erupting in the mouth, it may cause damage to the permanent teeth. This damage could include abnormal alignment of teeth, known as a malocclusion, damage to the structure of the roof of the mouth and also among the most common dental difficulties buck teeth, when the pressure of the thumb pushes the top teeth out and away from each other. Any of these situations could also cause speech problems or lisping. Once the child stops sucking his/her thumb, malocclusions in the mouth should correct themselves but any movement of the teeth will probably need dental work. If a child places a thumb in his or her mouth only occasionally, with little to no sucking, then it's less likely to cause a permanent problem. Children may decide to continue sucking their thumb out of exhaustion, comfort or boredom. It is suggested that only positive reinforcement be used to stop children from sucking on their thumbs as opposed to negative comments, which may only increase the stress and as a result cause more thumb sucking.  To help stop this habit, it has been suggested to put socks or gloves on their little hands, particularly at nighttime. As a last resort, the children may be suggested to have a dental device that can be attached to the roof of the mouth which usually make it painful to suck a thumb. A less invasive treatment would be to recognize that kids tend to suck thumbs when they're stressed. If the child is facing some sort of pressure or anxiety, just comforting the child's worries may ease their need to turn to their thumb. For more further information, contact Dr. Dimovski's Dental Office

Brampton Family Dentist