Dr. Dimovski and team would like to congratulate the recipients of Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski's "Graham Vicars Scholarships." Graham Vicars was one of our awesome patients. It was always a great pleasure having him come into the office as he always carried a smile that put a smile on our faces. In his memory there were eight scholarships given away (two $500.00 and six $100.00.) The scholarships were given away at a small reception held on December 20th, for the Vicars family, the recipients, their family and our team.
It was a great pleasure having you all there, spending time with each and every one of you and hearing stories of your successes and your future plans. We are also glad that you enjoyed our entertainer, Magician Brandon David, as I am sure you are still sking "How did he do that? :)"
Victoria, Arfi, Christina, Vanessa, Manpreet, Ramsen, Britney and Katerina we wish you all great success and all the best in your future endeavours!
Dentist Brampton